What is a PTV Value?
PTV stands for pendulum test value. This is a measurement of how slippery a surface is – regardless of whether it is a floor or a pavement. The pendulum test value (PTV) also calculates slip-resistance. PTV is measured with a piece of equipment called a pendulum, and this equipment is used to simulate either a shoe or a bare foot on a surface.
The PTV calculation will create a slip-reading of 0 upwards.
The slip resistance scale runs from 0 – 36+ where;
- 0-18 = very low slip-resistance
- 18-25 = moderate slip-resistance
- 25-36 = good slip-resistance
- 36+ = excellent slip-resistance
If you are specifying an area that might be covered by water, e.g. a wet room floor, an ideal PTV rating would be 36+. By choosing 36+ you would be able to certify the floor as slip-resistant.
R Rating
Another popular measure of slip-resistance measurement is termed ‘R-rating’. How does PTV compare to this measure?
Whilst there is no precise direct correlation between PTV and R-rating, the R-rating is as accurate as PTV and has values on a range from 9 to 13, where13 represents the most slip-resistant floor. For comparison, R9 would sit somewhere on the PTV scale between 11 and 18. A tile with a rating of R12 would be 42+, which would be used in spaces where there is a lot of water e.g. the floor of a shower might require tiles with an R-rating of 12.
As British Standards would always use a PTV value, choosing tiles with the right PTV value is wise to do in the event of a claim.